As a group of enthusiastic and energetic young men, we find the opportunity to raise large sums of money for local charities very appealing and, in the last fifteen years, have raised around £500,000.

The bulk of this is from our annual ‘Beer Festival’, which we organise and host every February/March.
Not only does this raise huge sums each year, it’s also great fun to be a part of and most find organising such a significant event to be great project-management experience and an opportunity for personal development.


100 Words Max about Charity. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tristique ultrices eros, eu viverra lectus pellentesque non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse vel turpis sed turpis vulputate porttitor. Aliquam accumsan rhoncus vulputate. Mauris ac metus vitae magna tincidunt iaculis. Praesent semper risus eu dui pharetra sollicitudin. Sed et mi blandit, venenatis purus a, suscipit leo. Donec lacinia, arcu sed faucibus dignissim, erat lorem iaculis libero, eget pharetra diam est ut lacus. Vestibulum tristique nibh in ultrices pretium. Vestibulum laoreet elit non tempor egestas. Donec fringilla, ipsum in pellentesque aliquam, lacus metus.


100 Words Max about Charity. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tristique ultrices eros, eu viverra lectus pellentesque non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse vel turpis sed turpis vulputate porttitor. Aliquam accumsan rhoncus vulputate. Mauris ac metus vitae magna tincidunt iaculis. Praesent semper risus eu dui pharetra sollicitudin. Sed et mi blandit, venenatis purus a, suscipit leo. Donec lacinia, arcu sed faucibus dignissim, erat lorem iaculis libero, eget pharetra diam est ut lacus. Vestibulum tristique nibh in ultrices pretium. Vestibulum laoreet elit non tempor egestas. Donec fringilla, ipsum in pellentesque aliquam, lacus metus.



100 Words Max about Charity. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tristique ultrices eros, eu viverra lectus pellentesque non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse vel turpis sed turpis vulputate porttitor. Aliquam accumsan rhoncus vulputate. Mauris ac metus vitae magna tincidunt iaculis. Praesent semper risus eu dui pharetra sollicitudin. Sed et mi blandit, venenatis purus a, suscipit leo. Donec lacinia, arcu sed faucibus dignissim, erat lorem iaculis libero, eget pharetra diam est ut lacus. Vestibulum tristique nibh in ultrices pretium. Vestibulum laoreet elit non tempor egestas. Donec fringilla, ipsum in pellentesque aliquam, lacus metus.


100 Words Max about Charity. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tristique ultrices eros, eu viverra lectus pellentesque non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse vel turpis sed turpis vulputate porttitor. Aliquam accumsan rhoncus vulputate. Mauris ac metus vitae magna tincidunt iaculis. Praesent semper risus eu dui pharetra sollicitudin. Sed et mi blandit, venenatis purus a, suscipit leo. Donec lacinia, arcu sed faucibus dignissim, erat lorem iaculis libero, eget pharetra diam est ut lacus. Vestibulum tristique nibh in ultrices pretium. Vestibulum laoreet elit non tempor egestas. Donec fringilla, ipsum in pellentesque aliquam, lacus metus.

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The Harrogate Round Table Charitable Trust Fund (registered charity number 1051527) is a fund raising and grant-giving registered charity.

If you think we can help your charity, PLEASE LET US KNOW. We welcome applications from charitable organisations and good causes.

We organise a number of fundraising events, raising thousands each year which we distribute to selected, qualifying causes.

To Apply

Simply download and complete our Charitable Donation Request Form or visit our Contact page.
Please provide as much information as possible. Download our Charitable Donation Request Form

Do More, Play More, Be More.

If you're interested in joining the Harrogate and District Roundtable or just want more information about our latest community events or social activities we'd love to hear from you.